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A Destonian Night Before Christmas – An
Adaptation by Joe Kou
‘Twas the night before Christmas,
when the holiday stress
Left no room for unwinding, not even
a rest.
Overtime, shopping, and crippling
All make this season the most
difficult yet.
The children were nestled all snug
in their beds
While thoughts of anxiety and fear
danced in our heads.
While momma with Prozac and I with a
night cap,
Had just settled our bodies for a
long overdue nap,
When all of a sudden I awoke with a
I sprang from the bed to find the
source of the error.
Away to my wallet I flew like a
Rifling through credit cards and
handful of cash.
I sat in the light of a computer
screen’s glow
And saw that my bank account had
fallen too low.
When what to my fearful eyes did
But a notification that overdue
payments are here.
Bold red letters read “Third and
Final Notice”
On several the letters that the bank
had wrote us.
More rapid than spam these notices
And I sank into depression as I read
each by name:
“Now, Water! Now, Power! Now Medical
On, Insurance! On Mortgage! These
bills must be paid!”
To the top of the pile! To the top
of the drawer!
I’ve paid this, I’ve paid, that, but
still I am poorer!
And then, for a moment, I stopped
and I breathed.
And gave to myself some much needed
As I silenced the thoughts that were
spinning around,
I forgave myself in writing, and
later in Sound.
And then became clear what once was
quite hazy;
I was blaming myself for a world
gone quite crazy.
I breathed in to myself, and brought
it all back.
To a point where I stand without
fear, without lack.
My fears – were not real! These
thoughts, how silly!
If we don’t stop it now, well then
when will we?
As I asked the question, the answer
was clear:
We can only change the present when
we are all HERE.
When we stop ourselves there is no
need to remind;
That myself, and everyone, are of a
single mankind.
We’re all in this together, from
bottom to top.
And all we must do is be willing to
Stop hating the world for who we’ve
Stop forgetting that all are Equal
and One.
Stop judging! Stop blaming! Stop
living in fear!
Stop separating ourselves from what
was always right here!
Then no longer will money or stress
rule the day
Or occupy our minds and get in the
way –
From living a life that is both free
and clear
Where all Life is Equal, and Oneness
is Here.
So live by the Principles that honor
all Life
Oneness and Equality for all, and
for all a good night!
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