Decade with Desteni - Featuring Anna

We are getting to know Destonians from all around the world and getting to know their story of discovering Desteni and how walking this process of self-honesty, self-forgiveness, and self-change has impacted their lives. In this episode we meet Anna on #DecadewithDesteni

 Desteni Radio is available on iTunes

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Decade with Desteni - Marlen

We are getting to know Destonians from all around the world and getting to know their story of discovering Desteni and how walking this process of self-honesty, self-forgiveness, and self-change has impacted their lives.

In this episode we meet Marlen on #DecadewithDesteni

Desteni Radio is available on iTunes!

If the Soundcloud player isn't working for you, try our Desteni Radio Soundcloud page.

EQAFE - Your one stop shop for all existential questions
Desteni Homepage - Find out more about Desteni
Desteni Forum - Have questions? Ask!

Desteni Radio - Decade with Desteni Featuring Kim

We are celebrating 10 years of Desteni on Desteni Radio!

We are getting to know Destonians from all around the world and getting to know their story of discovering Desteni and how walking this process of self-honesty, self-forgiveness, and self-change has impacted their lives.

In this episode we meet Kim Amourette on #DecadewithDesteni

Find out more about Desteni -

If the Soundcloud player isn't working for you, try our Desteni Radio Soundcloud page.
Desteni Radio is available on iTunes.

Desteni Radio #25 - Will Desteni Give You Superhuman Powers?

Does walking the Desteni I Process enable you to develop superhuman abilities? Yes. Yes it does.

If the Soundcloud player isn't working for you, try our Desteni Radio Soundcloud page.
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EQAFE - Your one stop shop for all existential questions
Desteni Homepage - Find out more about Desteni
Desteni Forum - Have questions? Ask!

Desteni Radio #24 - Desteni as Dogma

What is the difference between walking your process in self-honesty and turning Desteni into a dogmatic set of beliefs? Gian and Joe discuss the finer details of taking one's process in vain and thus not actually changing for real.

This episode was inspired by self-forgiveness shared on the Daily Self Forgiveness Group on Facebook. 

If the Soundcloud player isn't working for you, try our Desteni Radio Soundcloud page.

EQAFE - Your one stop shop for all existential questions
Desteni Homepage - Find out more about Desteni
Desteni Forum - Have questions? Ask!