Desteni Radio Episode 1 - What is Desteni?

Episode 1 of Desteni Radio has just been released to the world. Will it ever be the same again? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, have a listen for yourself and celebrate with us the official launch of our weekly podcast!

If the Soundcloud player isn't working for you, try our Desteni Radio Soundcloud page.

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DESTENI RADIO - Broadcasting on Monday, October 31st!

This is not a test. It's finally happening!

Our Desteni Radio podcast begins it's weekly broadcast on Monday, October 31st. Will the world ever be the same again once Desteni Radio hits the airwaves? We'll find out in about 2 days from now.

You can grab front row seats by setting yourself up at our SoundCloud profile to automatically get updates whenever we upload our new weekly episode. Do yourself a favor and subscribe.

EQAFE - Your one stop shop for all existential questions
Desteni Forum - Have questions? Ask!

Desteni Radio - Welcome to Desteni Radio

Welcome to Desteni Radio! Here is a little sneak peak of what is to come. Regularly scheduled episodes will be uploading soon so please subscribe and stay tuned.

If the Soundcloud player isn't working for you, try our Desteni Radio Soundcloud page.
Fake Radio. Real Talk.

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